"1. The Dark Knight (2008) 2. Fight Club (1999) 3. Star Wars (1977) 4. Inception (2010) 5. LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 6. Alien (1979) 7. Memento (2000) 8. The Matrix (1999) 9. Seven (1995)"

"I absolutely agree with you about The Beach it's such a great film. I've never understood the hatred so many have for it."

"I completely agree with your opinion of Seven it truly is a masterpiece."

"I'm so on the fence when it comes to Tusk it sounds interesting but a few of my buddies have seen it and they all hate it. Also good move giving up on 47 Ronin, I sadly sat through the whole piece o"

"I can barely control my excitement for the new season of Hannibal to start."

"Yeah I agree about Alien I think I first saw it when I was about 10 or 11 and was very bored. Watched it again when I was around 20 and since then it's one of my favorite films of all-time."

"I think this will be a great year for movies. Hell The Avengers and Star Wars by themselves will make this a great year."

"I also have a crush on Taissa Farmiga she's a very charming young woman."